Monday, May 18, 2015

It's Over, Sam, It's done.

I have literally eight minutes left of my high school career. As Strong Bad might say after finishing another issue of "Teen Girl Squad": IT'S OVEEEEERRRRRR!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 16, 2015


How's it goin'? Good? Good? Oh right, you can't reply because you're just a blog. I'm in Warrior TV and quite bored. Huzzah! (I suppose that isn't much of a reason for a "Huzzah!," but whatever. This is my blog, I can do what I want!) I'm listening to "Under the Bridge" by the Chili Peppers for the countless-eth time.'s about to finish. There goes the remaining guitar. It's still playing. Still playing...Oh. It just faded out. What's next? Hello? Are you there? I'm confused. Ah! "Hysteria" by Muse. That's a good one. I'm actually wearing a "Muse" shirt right now that my brother-in-law's brother gave to me. That guy is severiously awesome! Like...I don't know how he does it. That's right, I said severiously. As previously stated. I can do what I want. This is my blog *states further indignance with a hearty "Hmmph!"* Wow. I really sound like a teenager, don't I? Stupid pubescence!! At least it's not like "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" That book was pretty awesome, but it was still definitely my least favourite in the series. You think I'm joking? No way. I'm dead Sirius...